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In recent years, advancements in neural network designs and the availability of large-scale labeled datasets have led to significant improvements in the accuracy of piano transcription models. However, most previous work focused on highperformance offline transcription, neglecting deliberate consideration of model size. The goal of this work is to implement realtime inference for piano transcription while ensuring both high performance and lightweight. To this end, we propose novel architectures for convolutional recurrent neural networks, redesigning an existing autoregressive piano transcription model. First, we extend the acoustic module by adding a frequency-conditioned FiLM layer to the CNN module to adapt the convolutional filters on the frequency axis. Second, we improve note-state sequence modeling by using a pitchwise LSTM that focuses on notestate transitions within a note. In addition, we augment the autoregressive connection with an enhanced recursive context. Using these components, we propose two types of models; one for high performance and the other for high compactness. Through extensive experiments, we show that the proposed models are comparable to state-of-the-art models in terms of note accuracy on the MAESTROdataset. We also investigate the effective model size and real-time inference latency by gradually streamlining the architecture. Finally, we conduct cross-data evaluation on unseen piano datasets and in-depth analysis to elucidate the effect of the proposed components in the view of note length and pitch range


AMT Demo
AMT Demo (delay=320ms). The piano rolls were post-processed to compensate the delay. The original (realtime) video is shown in the right conner.